• Jun 24, 2022 - Jun 30, 2022

Only Available to State and Federal Prosecutors

This course will provide information pertaining to the history and development of the Arkansas Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) and the state statutes allowing law enforcement access, prescription drug division, and conducting drug diversion investigations as well as an overall understanding of prescription drug abuse issues and the PDMP.

Topics include:

  • History of the Arkansas PDMP
  • Prescription Drug Diversion
  • Investigating Diversion Cases
  • PDMP and Arkansas Law Enforcement
  • Certified Law Enforcement use of PDMP

Verification Information: Registrants must fax or email a scanned copy of a signed and dated verification letter on agency letterhead within five days of submission of the registration request form to 501-565-3081 or [email protected]. This letter must come from your supervisor and verify your position within a prosecuting attorney’s or U.S. Attorney’s office in Arkansas.

**IMPORTANT** Prosecutors MUST print this form and fax it to 501-682-5004 or email to [email protected] in order to get credit for this course!