• Oct 29, 2024 - Oct 29, 2024
  • 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Students will be introduced to the various manners in which humans are exploited. Particular attention will be given to sex trafficking, labor trafficking, and child sexual exploitation (sextortion, sexting, production/possession/distribution of child sexual abuse material). This course will include instruction on how to appropriately identify, report and/or investigate the above-described offenses.

Students will be introduced to state and federal statutes that directly and indirectly address human exploitation investigations. Students will receive introductory instruction on victimology and relevant services that must be afforded to victims of exploitation. This portion of instruction will include procedures for contacting the requisite state and/or federal agencies.

Students will learn the critical role of non-governmental organizations in human exploitation investigations and the boundaries with such organizations that must be maintained. Lastly, student comprehension will be increased through the in-depth examination of various human exploitation cases most likely to occur in Arkansas.

Course Attendees:  This course is designed for both uniformed and non-uniformed sworn law enforcement personnel, prosecutors, victim / witness services personnel, and court personnel.