• Oct 28, 2020 - Oct 28, 2020
  • 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

As criminal tactics become more prevalent and advanced, laws must be passed to keep our communities safe and hold offenders accountable. This course will share and discuss current court decisions that impact the service of Arkansas’s law enforcement community.

Topics covered will include:  Arrest, Search Incident to Arrest, Stop and Frisk, Vehicle Stops, Vehicle Searches, Container and Luggage Searches, Inventory Searches, Plain View, Abandonment, Curtilage, Consent, Administrative Searches, Airport Searches, Canine Searches Electronic Searches, Beeper Searches, Body Searches, and Drug Testing.

Participants will be given materials for additional review and self-directed study. Recent U.S. Supreme Court Decisions will also be reviewed. This course is designed for all certified law enforcement officers.

  • This class is 7 hours.
  • Class hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • This class earns credits in our Degree Program.
  • This class is included in our membership program.