Living with Autism Out LOUD

This inspiring and informative course, led by Camden native Wyletta Johnson, offers a unique perspective on living with

Advanced Behavioral Threat Assessment

Prerequisite: Completion of the Basic Behavioral Threat Assessment course.  You will not be allowed to enroll in the

Resilience Strategies for Educators: Techniques for Self-Care and Peer Support (RSE) Train-the-Educator (TtE) Virtual Training by Request (VTBR)

As part of a comprehensive school emergency operations plan, it is important for schools and school districts to

Schools and Suicide: Prevention and Postvention

This course will cover the scope of schools and suicide prevention. Topics addressed will include the standard areas

The Bully, the Bullied and the Not-So-Innocent Bystander

Breaking the cycle of violence in our homes, schools and communities involve more than merely identifying and stopping

Youth Mental Health First Aid

Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches participants how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health

Suicide Prevention

Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention is a six-hour program that provides a comprehensive, holistic approach to stress management and

Suicide Prevention and Alertness Training

This course is designed  to help participants become more aware of the risks and warning signs of suicide

Stress Management for Law Enforcement ONLINE

Unmanaged stress can be very dangerous for the human mind and body.  Policing, by nature, can be very

Crisis Intervention Response for Law Enforcement ONLINE

This program is designed to provide a better understanding of ACT 423, the provisions made in this act