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Q Qtey SLES Paper
CJI Research Paper-N Ball
G Huffman Flip the Script
Media Hype Versus Policing Profession
PTSD In Law Enforcement
Private Prisons and the Public Good
Community Oriented Policing: Creating Transparency in the Thin Blue Line
Overcoming the Challenges of Managing and Expanding a Patrol Division
Contracting or Consolidating Law Enforcement Services
Field Training and Its Necessity in Law Enforcement
Recruitment and Retention of Police Officers in These Challenging
This Job is Killing Me! Surviving the Hidden Health Risks of a Law Enforcement Career
Using Technology to Separate Truth From Lies: A Review of the History, Science, Methodology, and Legal Implications of the Computer Voice Stress Analyzer
Building a Culture of Leadership, Accountability and Mental Health Through After Action Reviews
Ground Control Techniques in the Police Field 
Psychology of Child Serial Killer 
Arkansas’ Lack of Hate Crime Legislation Fails to Provide Inclusive Fundamental Rights 
Arkansas’s Captive Wildlife Regulations: Development and Enforcement
Law Enforcement and Modern Media
Motivating and Retaining Law Enforcement Officers in 2019
Wellness in Law Enforcement Personnel
Police Agencies and Relaxed Grooming Codes: Why We Should Make the Change
Law Enforcement Fitness: Survival of the Fittest
Dynamics of Domestic Violence and Law Enforcement Response
Racial Profiling
Cumulative PTSD Among First Responders
Psychology of Mass Killers: What is Causing Kids to Kill
PTSD and Addiction in the Corrections System
Raising the bar
The Effects of the Legalization of Recreational Marijuana
El Narco
Eye in the Sky
Recording Devices in Law Enforcment
Supervising the New Millennial Police Officer
The Opioid Crisis
Residential Burglary Crime Prevention
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: The Role of Social Media in Today’s Law Enforcement
Triple Threat: Black, Female, with a Badge
Annual Officer Refresher
A Life in the Night’s Watch
Stress of Being a Detective in a Small Town
Distracted Driving and the Police Officer
The Liabilities of Vehicle Pursuits
A Review of Detention Without Arrest
Early Intervention and Preventing Juvenile Delinquency
Police Misconduct and Corruption
Body-Worn Cameras in Law Enforcement Agencies
Manager’s Motivation and ‘Demotivation’ of Subordinates
Effective Ways to Change Ineffective Laws
Bridging the Gap: Educating Communities on the Realities of Law Enforcement through a Citizen Police Academy
“Kids These Days”: Communicating With and Supervising Generation Y
The Increasing Need for Less-Lethal Weapons and Body-Mounted Cameras
Am I being detained? Am I free to go?
A Proposal to Amend Police Department Policy: Criminal Investigations 42.1.1
Bullying in Law Enforcement: End the Silence
Mentor vs. Supervisor In Law Enforcement
Social Media’s Law Enforcement
We Have a Problem in Arkansas
Yearly Legal Update Training for Officers of the Searcy Police Department
Leadership: Knowledge of Power
The Importance of Quality Report Writing in Law Enforcement
The Importance of the Emotional Band-Aid
Action versus Reaction
Dealing With Stress In Law Enforcement: Alcoholism, Divorce and Suicide
Ethics in Law Enforcement
A Perspective on Marijuana Legalization
Policing in the age of the Digital Recorder: Common Misconceptions and Training Strategies
Professional Courtesy Ethics in Policing
Taser – A Comprehensive Analysis
Effects of Night Shift Work on Police Officers
Shift comparisons for the Conway Police Department: 8 hour versus 12 hour shifts
Critical Incidents: Responding to Police Officer Trauma
Dude did it
Facebook Not Always a First and Fourteenth Amendment Right for Law Enforcement Officers
A New Approach In Recruiting & Retaining Qualified Officers At The Bella Vista Police Department
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Effect on Law Enforcement
The Dynamics of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
A Need for Change: The Importance of Continued Training and Education for Modern Day Police Officers
Training to Fail: The Failure of Police Firearms Training For the Real World
Surviving in Blue
Etan, Jacob, Megan, Amber, and Adam: Remembering the Children of the Sex Offender Registration Laws
Vehicle Pursuits: Legal Issues of Police Pursuits
Management of Officer Involved Shootings
The Drug Recognition Expert and Impaired Driving Enforcement
Understanding and Overcoming the Entrapment Defense in Undercover Operations
Police Pursuits: Balancing the Safety of Citizens with the Apprehension of Criminals
The K-9 ‘NOSE’
Fitness for Law Enforcement
A Team Approach To Crisis Negotiation
Domestic Violence and Victimless Prosecution
Perception and Law Enforcement
In-Custody Deaths
Nuisance Abatement: A New Strategy For An Old Problem
TASER TECHNOLOGY: Greater safety for officers and suspects
Administrative Issues Concerning Establishing a Critical Incident Policy
Implementing Physical Fitness Standards and Training in Law Enforcement
Police Officers Under Stress
You are the Greatest Leader, You just don’t know it yet
Police Pursuits: Are No-Pursuit Policies The Answer?
Stress Resulting from Police Shootings
Global Positioning Systems / Global Information Systems: Usage for Law Enforcement
The Phenomenon of Suicide by Cop
Liability Issues of Developing and Maintaining a Special Response Team
The New Paradigm: Police Trends Toward More Powerful Handguns and the Mental Aspects of Combat Survival and Training
Police Intervention in Domestic Violence
Police Reporting
Internal Affairs
Standardized Field Sobriety Tests: Is Current Training Enough?
Productivity Analysis For Basic Police Patrol Activities
Community Relations and Moving Back to Community Policing
Importance of the Police Report
Warrantless Searches
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Law Enforcement
Resolving Retirement Issues for Police Officers
Tactical Explosive Breaching: An Introduction on the use of Explosives in Today’s Police Department
Bias Based Policing
Cyber Crime: The Next Challenge
Domestic Abuse Report
Managing Change in Law Enforcement
Police Work and the Effects on the Family
Risk Management in Vehicular Pursuits
Child Abuse Investigation
Understanding the Human Physiological and Mental Response to Critical Incidents
Civil Protection Orders: How is This Piece of Paper Going to Protect Me?
Police Pursuit, Dangers, and Liability Issues