Only Available to Arkansas Law Enforcement
The Criminal Justice Institute provides critical education, training, and services to Arkansas law enforcement executives and their officers in progressive areas of public safety, including crime scene investigation, computer proficiency, traffic safety, illicit drug investigations, school safety, and professional development. Each program is designed to provide officers with needed hands-on experience and practical knowledge. In addition, many of these programs provide skills and knowledge that can be used immediately and assist officers in providing exemplary services to their communities.
In addition to classes held throughout the state, we offer access to a growing number of online classes that allow officers to meet their education and training goals without leaving their agency.
Memberships are available to allow all of your officers or deputies, as well as civilian and corrections personnel, to have UNLIMITED access to CJI’s face-to-face and online programs for a calendar year.
Membership rates are for unlimited attendance for anyone in your agency and includes sworn, non-sworn, jailers, administrative staff, etc. The rates are based off a three-year average class attendance for your agency. Free classes are not included in this average. At the end of the fiscal year, the total number of attendances at membership classes will be used to determine a new three-year average.
$6,250: Averages over 200 attendances per year
$5,000: Averages about 200 attendances per year
$3,750: Averages about 150 attendances per year
$2,500: Averages about 100 attendances per year
$1,875: Averages about 75 attendances per year
$1,250: Averages about 50 attendances per year
$625: Averages about 25 attendances per year
$375: Averages about 15 attendances per year
$250: Averages about 10 attendances per year
$125: Averages about 5 attendances per year
CJI’s membership program allows us to develop and deliver new training programs and services that best meet the evolving needs and challenges of Arkansas law enforcement professionals.
If you are needing to request your agency CJI membership invoice click here.
For questions, contact Margaret Cotton at [email protected] or 501-570-8048.