Collection, Kits, and Communication of Sexual Assault Investigations Online

The response to, and investigation of, sexual assault crimes requires a victim centered approach as part of an

Sexual Assault Investigation for the Rural Executive ONLINE

COURSE FEE:  Free LOCATION: Online COURSE DESCRIPTION:  Rural law enforcement executives have the opportunity to have a significant

Sexual Assault Investigation for the Rural Investigator ONLINE

COURSE FEE:  Free  LOCATION: Online COURSE DESCRIPTION:  The response to, and investigation of, sexual assault crimes requires a

Sexual Assault Report Writing ONLINE

COURSE FEE:  Free  LOCATION: Online COURSE DESCRIPTION:  Law enforcement reports often provide a record of evidence and document

Foundations of Sexual Assault Investigation for the Rural Officer Online

COURSE FEE: Free LOCATION: Online COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides rural law enforcement executives and investigators with the