• Nov 12, 2020 - Nov 13, 2020
  • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

This 2-day advanced class provides proper guidelines to recognize, recruit, train, and safely manage informants. The student will also have a heightened awareness of various sources of information available to the investigator and will be aware of the need to develop and maintain good tactical and officer safety skills when working with informants.  Informants and sources, motivations for informant cooperation, recruiting informants, cooperation and contingency fee agreements, using informants to make undercover purchases, electronic surveillance and entrapment issues, controlling the informant and the initial informant debriefing process.  A practical exercise will emphasize the importance of proper informant contacts and debriefings.

The following blocks of instruction are also included:
Informant Recruiting
Informant Documentation & Agreements
Informant Contacts & Corroboration
Informant Liabilities
Informant’s Role in Undercover Operations