• 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

ARKANSAS LEADER was designed specifically for law enforcement executives and other leaders within the criminal justice system. This executive level training is taught by distinguished lecturers and takes a multi-faceted approach to examining current leadership principles. A strong emphasis is placed on leadership principles, decision making, and mentoring the next generation of law enforcement leaders.

The ARKANSAS LEADER program is jointly sponsored by the Criminal Justice Institute and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and has been designated as one of the FBI’s sixteen Command Colleges.

Arkansas Leader Session XXXIII will be held in June 9-13, 2025 at the Criminal Justice Institute, 26 Corporate Hill Drive, Little Rock, AR 72205. Letters of nomination should be submitted to CJI’s Director Dr. Cheryl P. May no later than May 6, 2025.  Nominations should come from heads of Arkansas law enforcement agencies who wish to attend, or for those they want to nominate. Those outside of Arkansas should submit letters of nomination through their local field office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. To be considered, nominees must have obtained the rank of Lieutenant or above. Sergeants may be considered for this class if they have previously completed the School of Law Enforcement Supervision.

If your agency would like to be considered for lodging assistance, it must be indicated in your letter of nomination.

For more information, contact Kimberly Hendricks Jones: (501) 570-8041 and [email protected].