Child Death Investigation
Because communication is key to any death investigation, this training has a focus on interdisciplinary approaches and collaboration. Professionals from a variety of agencies are encouraged to attend.
“Interdisciplinary Approach: Because every death matters.”
With every state in the country now having some type of child fatality review system in place, the process by which child death cases are handled and investigated is under immense scrutiny. Every agency having a role in a child death investigation must be prepared to have their involvement analyzed from beginning to end.
Communication is the number one reason agencies identify as a system issue in many investigations. Unfortunately, it is an issue that can permeate and wreak havoc at any stage of an investigation.
This Child Death Investigation program addresses child deaths from an interdisciplinary perspective. This approach provides all agencies the necessary information to not only investigate and gather information but to understand and appreciate the details and collaboration required in order to make a final determination of cause and manner of death.
Case Studies
Actual cases will be covered from the initial 911 call through to the final determinations of cause and manner of death. At each step of the investigative process, we will examine what was done correctly, what was missed and why, why some details are more important than others, and critical communication times. These exercises help participants truly grasp the importance of how even the smallest details can have a significant effect on the outcome of a case.