• Feb 28, 2023 - Feb 28, 2023
  • 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

This fourteen hour block of instruction is broken into two parts. The first block, Criminal Patrol, teaches officers ways to stop/approach vehicles and how to observe and interview subjects to find out if criminal activity is afoot. Officers will learn how to go further than a traditional traffic stop by asking questions and paying attention during the stop for indicators of criminal activity. This class will teach the officers noticeable signs and cues to watch for while interacting with driver/passengers, as well as, how to interview these subjects once the stop is made.  The second block, Drug Recognition, teaches officers about the seven drug categories according to the Drug Recognition Expert curriculum. Officers will be able to identify the categories, know common drugs associated with each category, identify common paraphernalia used with each category, signs and symptoms, and learn about new drug trends.