• Jun 6, 2023 - Jun 7, 2023
  • 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
  • Criminal Justice Institute

This three-day hands-on course will demonstrate the skills necessary to legally, safely, and effectively conduct surveillance in both covert and non-conventional operations. Participants will be able to apply skills learned in the classroom during scenario based practical exercises. Vehicle and foot surveillance pros and cons will be examined. Case criteria for surveillance operations will be explored through discussion and case examples.


  • To introduce the students to surveillance objectives, planning, coordinating and directing surveillance.
  • To introduce students on the selection and methods of surveillance operations.
  • To instruct the students in the importance in the preparedness, attentiveness, area knowledge and levels of discretion.
  • To provide the students with practical exercises and hands one training which will help them develop the basic skills needed to conduct a surveillance operation and provide them with methods which when used, will have a greater influence in the mission.
  • To introduce students to surveillance objectives, planning, coordinating and directing surveillance during the nighttime.