Every law enforcement agency, no matter how professional or dedicated to its personnel, has a small cadre of individuals who resist organizational direction and try to undermine management direction. They sabotage morale, resist team-building efforts and create a toxic work environment for the unfortunate people who happen to be coworkers.

Malcontent Cop: An Intervention Strategy will present a three-pronged intervention strategy for dealing with malcontent cops: supervisory training, organizational stakeholder development and training for the malcontent officers.

This course will teach officers to:
– Develop supervisory skills that aim to correct unproductive officer behaviors
– Review the need for organizational stakeholder development
– Rejuvenate careers and harness valuable resources within agencies
– Explore “Early Warning System” Programs

This training will be held Tuesday, June 25, at the Criminal Justice Institute in Little Rock.

Register today!

For more information, contact Kim Hendricks Jones at 501-570-8041 / [email protected].